Looking forward to growing alfalfa and straw on White Hall and Glenwood Farms while connecting them with horse fence and hidden security fences so it is out of sight and safe from horse thieves. I am buying Goolrick's this year however the hippie thrift shop spoke against me to the VA Affairs in Fredericksburg, VA, USA and my information is not being respected. That thrift shop is operated by Rob Zombie, the tall dark haired guy who dresses as a girl often due to music festival sex. He / she is also a co star of Jet Li's as the female ninja who we are all so tired of for its ego and overberance for such a humble look, like Jet Li. Their oppressive ego and overbearing uselessness as degraded asians is nauseating along with the sex offender criminal records at play in Virginia this lenten 2024 season. They are also public Satanists with deranged power complexes.
Speaking of the Veteran's Affairs Center, is that a bribe free address? I sure hope no sexual promises were made to any employees against the better knowledge of who was promised, me for example, and other rich white women of American and European descent like me. Mary Acton from the Veteran's Affair Center should be emailing approved commercial loan paperwork but, instead is going around in circles while information phishing me and accepting sex offender's bribes caught on camera at the Veterans Affairs Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA in the last 73 hours. She even cussed about the sex trade and did so from a past year and out of state location knowing the premeditated crime she/he was committing. Just to be sure, that is not an employee, but a felon at large for crimes in Oregon, Iran, Israel, Russia, Denmark, Delaware, and multiple states on the east coast including Virginia as of today, Sunday January 21, 2024. And also Mary Acton is guilty of identity thefting me as celeb artist Holy Molly mispelled as Holy Moly, an electronic music project.
In better news, I am on the cover of People Magazine this month for a Golden Globe as Barbie in the movie Barbie. I also won a Grammy as Dua Lipa who performs on the Barbie Soundtrack and a Golden Globe and Grammy for TV series, House of Dragons. I am probably the oldest living celebrity producer veteran in Golden Hollywood today as a self produced celebrity, actress, and artist, although I am still young, due to my unique skills and career. I am many of the greats and new artists which you can recognize knowing I am a wealthy Virginia and Washington resident, a British monarch, now an Emperor.
I am very excited to clean up the environment of Virginia and keep the state crime free which includes dark practices, spiritually and otherwise. I am searching for my fire pits to be returned along with wild bird and animal feed due to the cold and dry winter. If you would like to be a campaign volunteer please let me know. I am a police officer and counter terrorist agent so all stiffs welcome. I am in several bands and model for fashion designers but, I am a conservative. All lovers of art and conservatives welcome, green energy, organic living and agriculture and family friendly volunteers and voters will like my election campaign platform. If you want to attend any of the 2024 concert series at St. George's Episcopal Church in downtown City of Fredericksburg we can meet up for a beverage or appetizer before or after as I attend the Celtic Evensong at 5pm on Sundays and usually the 7 am mass.